Dear Budapest philosophy

Dear Budapest Philosophy of Thailand

It is very difficult to summarize in a few paragraphs what the Dear Budapest philosophy means to me/us. But I tried 🙂 🙂

2016 holiday. Thailand. It's pouring outside.

It's the perfect time to think. My career in magazine editing, fashion, beauty and more is over.
I'm looking for what to do, what I'm really interested in. You can think of a thousand and one things,
ohh I wanted to deal with that, I'd be interested in that, but what always, above all else, makes my heart beat.

Food. Gastronomy. How many restaurants I've been to, how much I love to cook, how many there are in this theme. But to open a restaurant, ME? Alone? How? I don't know anyone, I don't even know how to start.

How many events did we have in LACK magazine where I worked with lots of weird food.

I hate the word "food", that's why I wrote it like that, because it would be difficult to cater
a nicer word for things that were brought late, not fresh, not nice and not made with the right ingredients. But rather expensive.

I felt that this was not what I was promised.

Comes the realization, ohhhhh what if? What if I start something with this

Snapping open my laptop, I feverishly start looking up who the participants in this profession are.
So many providers, complicated systems, clunky websites. Somehow it all felt very dry and foreign.

I can't see the exact offer, I need to ask for a quote to get prices, but how do I get it?
I don't even really know what I want. My enthusiasm was a bit low, it all seemed difficult.
Why should I and my products be better than all the other providers on the market?
Where is the main mistake?

I'm home. Of course, all the way home from my holiday I was thinking about this.

Plans, dreams, I drank in the bearskin in advance, if you want to use good old thoughts to describe how I felt at the time. I remembered how much I had to take care of when I was involved as an organiser of an event.

How nice it would be if we were the ones who would do everything to help you while serving you with quality products.
Where I feel like I'm in good hands as a customer.
I know them. We have a connection, I trust them.

And at the end of it all, I'm happy to say: YES! The guests loved it, I was satisfied, everything was done on time, patiently and kindly. The price was right. This is a must...

Why I started first with sandwiches visualise the Dear Budapest Catering?
ally because I wanted it to be simple, quick to use, practical,
to decide in favour of the event food question. But in a completely different form.

Everyone loves a tiny, colourful, tasty snack. A nice, tasty table full of tiny snacks creates curiosity.

It can liven up even the earliest meeting or even the driest presentation or negotiation, somehow sneaking a little happiness into the picture. I thought let's make products like this.


What should you name it?

I didn't want the name to reflect the flavour, but rather to carry a message.
Somehow I remembered how much I love this city.

As a Miskolc resident, I dreamed of living in the capital until I was 18, when I moved. I'm going to do business for him here.

Dear Budapest Philosophy Miskolc vs. Budapest
Let then be a a nice message to my city Budapest.
For the people who live here, for my future guests, for my customers.

Dear Budapest....igen!

As a nice start, it sounded. Yes. This is the road we're on!

Well, what follows is a lot of hardship, a lot of getting to know each other, learning from experience, disappointment and happiness.

Crying together, laughing together. From restaurants, producer's kitchens, events, lots of people, cooks, helpers, delivery people and suppliers, producers and traders and of course guests who accompany you on the road for a while.

All the way to where we are now.

And why the plural? Because we had to learn along the way that you can't do it alone.
That you have to find people who think like you.

Who are also in love with what they do and who are dedicated to their work,
without his mania, diligence and creativity, you'd be nowhere.

I think this is one of the most important things in the Dear Budapest philosophy. The people. Us and our Clients. The relationship between us.

I could talk about so many things, sandwiches, attitudes, bureaucracy, granola and gluten sensitivity... but the most important thing I wanted to convey in this first introduction is what the Dear Budapest philosophy is all about.
People, people who can relate to each other. People looking for a sense of familiarity, connection, trust, hospitality in modern urban life.

Shared memories, shared smells, an endless creative cavalcade of flavours. About eating together, about laughter, I think about life, here in Budapest.


Bianka Juhász
Dear Budapest Catering