Vegetarian sandwich package (for 3 people)

SKU: N/A Category:

8 500 Ft9 500 Ft

The package 9 sandwiches contains a mixture of:

  • 2 goat cheese and beetroot sandwiches
    (fresh goat cheese, roasted beetroot, fresh blueberries, walnuts)
  • 2 fried capers cream, dried olive sandwiches
    (fried caper cream, parsley pesto, goat cheese, dried olives)
  • 2 egg cream, soft quail egg sandwiches
    (light egg custard, pearl onion, soft quail egg)
  • 2 Jasmine cream, tangy cocktail tomato sandwiches
    (jasmine cream, tart cocktail tomatoes, physalis, scones)
  • 1 green pea cream, spicy marinated fat sandwich
    (green pea cream, spicy-marinated feta, sugar peas)

The vegetarian sandwich box includes the cost of packaging.
